Press Release – For Immediate Release

When we set out to start a record label, we wanted Winding Way Records to differentiate itself in an industry that traditionally values young over old, single over married and women over mothers in discovering our artists.  Think about all the great talent that gets set to the side and lost when the industry does this.  The power dynamic that is manifested when labels only signed young women, single women, women without children…

Oprah Winfrey said it well on Sunday at the Golden Globe Awards. “Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have” and the #MeToo movement does signify the end of the “Culture broken by brutally powerful men.” Oprah is right on, “Their time is up” and the people who stood by silently and watched men bully and have their way with women need to stand against that behavior – no excuses.  Starting Winding Way Records, we too have met many magnificent women and some pretty phenomenal men that fight hard so women never have to say #MeToo again.

Winding Way Records is working with Evelyn Brown from New York, a recent mom who excels in her professional career and is also an incredible singer-songwriter.  This past weekend we witnessed first-hand what Oprah predicts as women facing “A new day on the horizon.”  Where women can be in a safe workplace, men aren’t pushing themselves on them and all female artists are treated equally as professionals.  During the session, Evelyn perfected her vocal tracks while at times holding her child in arm. She shared this photo with us, and the world to say #NotMe, never. 

John Fisher, President – Winding Way Records, LLC.

Artist Evelyn Brown and Daughter