Get your very own limited edition hand-screened Huffamoose super soft red fleece blanket, 8 Oz custom mug and Cocoa hot chocolate 2-pack mix.
The lightweight 60″x90″ oversized throw blanket and custom Huffamoose mug will keep your heart warm while you sip hot chocolate over the winter while you listen to your favorite Huffamoose tracks. Perfect for the car, your easy chair and anywhere you want to snuggle up with the band. This is limited edition bundle-up and once they are sold will likely become a sought-after Huffamoose collectors items that generations later will see on Antiques Road Show. Heck, some day this blanket and mug may even be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or at least helping one of the band members stay warm when they camp out on the steps.
Your purchase will help Craig Elkins, Kevin Hanson, Jim Stager and Erik Johnson keep making Huffa-music so your support is greatly appreciated.
PS: Special gift comes with all orders!!!